Holter Monitoring

This is a device which records the electrical activity (ECG) of your heart, usually over a 24 hour period. Connection of the device takes approximately 20 minutes.

On the day of the test

  • Please bath/shower in the morning – you will NOT be able to swim/shower during the 24 hour monitoring period.
  • Do not use body lotion on your chest or wear neck chains.
  • Please wear a 2 piece outfit.

Connection of the device

  • Adhesive electrodes are to be placed on the chest (men may need some hair shaved).
  • A small recording device will be worn across the shoulder or around the waist.

During the monitoring period

  • If you experience any symptoms, (even if they are brief or slight) you should press the EVENT button on the machine and make a note of the symptoms in a special diary which will be given to you.
  • If you have any difficulties with the equipment or feel it may have been dislodged, please notify the office on 9389 8658.
  • Please DO NOT tamper with the cords or the battery as this may erase data from the device.
  • Do not sleep on a switched on electric blanket – this will interfere with the ECG recording.
  • Go about your normal daily activities throughout the testing period.

After the 24 hour monitoring period

  • The equipment and symptom diary must be returned at a specific time (usually your scheduled appointment the following day).
  • A full report will be sent to your referring Doctor after the results have been reviewed by a Cardiologist.